
フランスの軍事研究所 IRSEM が作成した報告書「中国の影響力作戦」を翻訳アプリ

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X. Other levers X. その他の手段

In this non-exhaustive list of other tools of leverage used in Chinese influence operations, we also need to add citizen movements, Chinese tourists, influencers and hostages.


A. Citizen movements A. 市民運動

1. Pro-independence movements: New Caledonia and Okinawa

1. 独立運動ニューカレドニア沖縄
Encouraging independence movements fits Beijing’s agenda as it seeks to regain

market shares and make potential adversaries more fragile, two non-mutually 
exclusive goals that can be found in these two examples.


この 2 つの非相互排他的な目標は、これら 2 つの例に見られます。

First: New Caledonia. There were suspicions of Chinese interference in the 2018 referendum on the independence of New Caledonia, and Beijing is known to be closely following

最初に ニューカレドニア。2018年に行われたニューカレドニアの独立を問う住民投票に中国が干渉した疑いがあり、北京は独立派の動向を注視していることが知られています。

the progress of the pro-independence camp – something confirmed by the 2020 referendum precisely because an independent New Caledonia would de facto find itself under Chinese influence. 


This would bring two key benefits for the Party-State. First, China would be able to
rely on New Caledonia to “become the cornerstone of the Chinese anti-encirclement strategy,” while at the same time isolating Australia “since, in addition to relying on Noumea, Beijing would be able to rely on Port Moresby, Honiara, Port-Vila and Suva.”

It would also ensure a supply of raw materials, i.e. nickel, to China. 




So, there are several reasons why Beijing pushes for independence while maintaining relationships with the local political and economic elite.


“China moves forward by gaining control of the economy from within, by getting closer to political and tribal leaders, because that is the most efficient and discrete method. China’s strategy is perfectly well-oiled and has worked elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region.”


The Association de l’amitié sino-calédonienne [Sino-Caledonian Friendship
Association] plays such a role, carrying out a United Front work locally.


 We should note that its former president, Karine Shan Sei Fan, is also the former chief of staff of the pro-independence leader.

 その元総裁であるKarine Shan Sei Fanが、独立派指導者の元参謀長でもあることに注意する必要があります。

“whose previous two chiefs of staff are valued members” of the association.


Generally, the Chinese “diaspora and its representative organizations, at least some of them, are extremely close to some pro-independence officials.”


Karine Shan Sei Fan invited the Chinese ambassador to France on the island in October 2017, a year before the referendum. 

Karine Shan Sei Fanは、国民投票の1年前の2017年10月に、駐仏中国大使をこの島に招待しました。

The ambassador spent the week there with his spouse and some advisers: “they saw everybody, they asked what we needed: tourism, aquaculture, anything that could be of interest, they would offer it,” parliament member Philippe Gomès remembers.





Okinawa is another example. Japan has a strong national identity, even a sense of insularity (→ p. 191). But Okinawa – as well as the entirety of the Ryukyu Islands – is an exception


because its inhabitants were abused by the Japanese during the Second World War. The population is divided on the subject of Japan. Pro-Chinese feelings are then widespread and sustained by the fact that inhabitants benefit from trading with China.


For Beijing, this is a weakness that can be exploited, and a strategic opportunity: their location ensures an access to the second chain of Pacific Islands. With these islands, they kill two birds with one stone, by hindering both the Japanese and the Americans who are present there.



Okinawa is a fertile ground for such operations because indigenous 
pro-independence movements, who are also hostile to the presence of an American base on the island, already exist.


The majority of the island is anti-Tokyo and anti central government, as evidenced in the election of Denny Tamaki as governor  (a longtime opponent to the American presence), in October 2018. The Okinawa prefecture hence advocates for the departure of some of the troops (navy and air forces). 



The risk of Okinawa unilaterally declaring its independence in the future is taken seriously by Tokyo.


At the same time, “China encourages this objective through diplomacy, disinformation, and investments in the northern part of the island near the U.S. bases.”1308


In 2013, the Global Times already warned about Beijing potentially “fostering forces
that seek the restoration of the independence of the Ryukyu Chain in Okinawa,” and,
in doing so, “threatening the country’s integrity,” as it tries to defend China against the US-Japan alliance.


Beijing did just that. In December 2016, the Japanese Public Security Intelligence Agency (PSIA) revealed that Chinese universities and think tanks were trying to foster connections with pro-independence activists in Okinawa. Meanwhile, the Chinese press regularly publishes articles questioning Japan’s sovereignty on Okinawa. 

北京はそれを実行しました。2016年12月、日本の公安調査庁 (PSIA)は、中国の大学やシンクタンクが沖縄の独立派活動家とつながりを育もうとしていることを明らかにしました。一方、中国のマスコミは、沖縄における日本の主権を疑問視する記事を定期的に掲載しています。

According to Professor Yuichi Hosoya, Beijing is “influencing Okinawan public opinion to push for Okinawan independence and the removal of U.S. forces.”1310

細谷雄一教授によれば、北京は「沖縄の世論に影響を与え、沖縄の独立と米軍の撤去を推進している」 という。

“There are also increasing economic ties between China and Okinawa: Chinese investors are engaged in the northern areas of Okinawa, which are rich in natural resources and populated by U.S. military facilities.


Additionally, there has been a significant increase in the number of Chinese tourists in Okinawa in recent years, as well as an increasing number of sister-city relationships formed between Chinese cities and Okinawa. 


The PRC government has also actively courted members of the former Okinawan royal family. In 2018, Shō Masamu, the great grandson of the last Ryukyu king, visited China. 



In March of that year, Masamu led a 22-member delegation to visit Fujian for a four-day ‘root-seeking’ tour [while at the same time a conference] was organized to explore the historical ties between Okinawa and China.”


Beijing also develops relationships between Chinese researchers, think tanks (the Academy of Social Science) and pro-independence activists: they invite them to China to improve their image and provide a platform to them.



There also is a convergence between, on the one hand, independists and those opposed to the U.S. presence in Okinawa and, on the other hand, leftist and pacifist activists, who oppose the revision of Article 9 of the Japanese constitution (renouncing war) and the rein-forcement of Japanese self-defense capabilities. 


* 収斂(しゅうれん)初めて見た単語です。調べると「まとまる」「集約」みたいなので、一緒に活動しているみたいな意味かな???と…。

Beijing thus supports these movements as well, which fits neatly with China’s agenda by impeding and inhibiting Japanese military developments.


This is particularly the case for the Buddhist group Soka Gakkai, and its political party Komeito, which are working toward a Sino Japanese rapprochement. 


As a result, it is for example commonplace to see Japanese left)wing activists and pacifists share Chinese articles against the U.S. base in Okinawa.
